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Rick and Morty Gucci shirt

I took AP Computer Science in high school as a meme (needed a 5th class to graduate). Not a single person, I guaran-fucking-tee it, upon...

The Office TV show characters shirt

I’ll reiterate it because people don’t seem to get it: just because something is popular or in demand doesn’t mean you should force it on...

Peanuts be my Valentine shirt

There are effectively zero good teachers, and there never will be. Most teachers who teach high school programming are usually just...

Official Baby Yoda hug Ferrari shirt

Yes and no….when we were young and dating, she would usually wear panties and a t-shirt during the warm months, occasionally wearing...

Galactic empire the Trooper shirt

In fact, I raised two of them without my spouse. I was very successful with one. Not so much with the other. I’d say I was batting about...

Weed sunflower choose happy shirt

What my spouse wants would be irrelevant at that point. If he wasn’t smart enough to discuss wanting a child with me BEFORE I got...

Penguin a wee bit Irish today shirt

If I chose to have a child, I’d take the medical intervention IF it would work. I would not do that if there was only a “slim chance” of...

Totally bare don’t care shirt

That same day a guy’s trunks came completely off of him around the same area for the same reason and they drifted down and got pushed out...

The droids imperial road shirt

haha not on purpose but at a water park when I was around 9 in the wave pool I was in the area closest to where the waves come out next...

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